Don’t find a job. Employ your potential. 
Career Advancement
You'll receive mentorship, one-on-one guidance, and the time, training and resources you need to flourish at every level and succeed throughout your career.
Career Mobility
At Amica, job placement is personal. Our goal is to ensure that you’re in the right position for you–at the right time in your career.
Training Programs
We focus on career development with training and education at all levels–giving you opportunities to broaden your experience and deepen your expertise.
Future Leaders made here​​​​​​​. ​​​​​​​
Start your career in an exciting management program for college graduates that includes multiweek paid training and experience. Learn collaboratively and build relationships for a lifetime as you bring your skills to a company founded on kindness, service and mutual success.
Work on the front line supervising sales and customer support representatives.
Work directly with Amica customers to help in their time of need and settle claims.
Find your perfect fit.
Our Future Leaders Program seeks talented college graduates with strong communication abilities who thrive on the variety–and special challenges–of dealing directly with customers in their time of need. From a position as Associate Adjuster or Associate Team Manager, your career launches with extensive hands-on training, coaching, personal mentorships and professional growth opportunities.
Meet Brittany
"I learn something new every day. I’ve taken advantage of continuing education opportunities, and It’s given me the chance to improve myself and expand my network."

     Brittany Noble, 16 years at Amica
            THEN: Associate Claims Rep.
            NOW: Assistant Vice President